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Python Training in New York
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Python Training in New York Batch Details

Contact Us+91 958 123 9696
Python Course Duration2 Months
Python TimingsMonday to Friday (Morning to Evening)
Next Batch Date25th February 2023 AT 8:00 AM IST
Training ModesClassroom [HYDERABAD] / Online
Python Server Access2 Months / Free

Key Points Of Python Programming Classes in NYC

Python Training Curriculum

=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python

=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing

=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators

=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP

=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement

=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement

=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods

=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary

=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods

=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple

=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation

=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary

=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python

=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing

=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators

=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP

=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement

=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement

=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods

=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary

=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods

=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple

=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation

=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary. Functions in Python
• Defining a function
• Calling a function
• Properties of Function
• Examples of Functions
• Categories of Functions
• Argument types
• default arguments
• non-default arguments
• keyword arguments
• non keyword arguments
• Variable Length Arguments
• Variables scope
• Call by value and Call by Reference
• Passing collections to function
• Local and Global variables
• Recursive Function
• Boolean Function
• Passing functions to function
• Anonymous or Lamda function
• Filter() and map() functions

=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python

=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing

=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators

=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP

=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement

=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement

=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods

=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary

=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods

=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple

=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation

=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary. Modules in Python
• What is a module?
• Different types of module
• Creating user defined module
• Setting path
• The import statement
• Normal Import
• From … Import
• Module Aliases
• Dir function
• Working with Standard modules -Math, Random, Date time, and os modules

=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python

=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing

=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators

=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP

=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement

=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement

=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods

=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary

=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods

=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple

=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation

=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary. Packages
• Introduction to packages
• Defining packages
• Importing from packages
• –init–.py file
• Defining sub packages
• Importing from sub packages

=>.Errors and Exception Handling
• Types of errors
• Compile-Time Errors
• Run-Time Errors
• What is Exception?
• Need of Exception handling
• Predefined Exceptions
• Try,Except, finally blocks
• Nested blocks
• Handling Multiple Exceptions
• User defined Exceptions
• Raise statement

=>. File Handling
• Introduction
• Types of Files in Python
• Opening a file
• Closing a file
• Writing data to files
• Tell( ) and seek( ) methods
• Reading a data from files
• Appending data to files
• With open stmt
• Various functions

=>. OOPs concepts
• OOPS Features
• Encapsulation
• Abstraction
• Class
• Object
• Static and non static variables
• Defining methods
• Diff b/w functions & methods
• Constructors
• Parameterized Constructors
• Built –in attributes
• Object Reference count
• Destructor
• Garbage Collection
• Inheritance
• Types of Inheritances
• Polymorphism
• Over riding
• Super() statement

=>. Regular Expressions
• What is regular expression? Special characters
• Forming regular expression
• Compiling regular expressions
• Grouping
• Match() function
• Search() function
• Matching vs searching
• Splitting a string
• Replacing text
• validations

=>. Database Access
• Introduction
• Installing Oracle database
• Creating database users,
• Installing Oracle Python modules
• Establishing connection with oracle
• Closing database connections
• Cursor object
• Executing SQL queries
• Retrieving data from Database.
• Using bind variables executing SQL queries
• Transaction Management
• Handling errors

=>. Python Date and Time
• How to Use Date & DateTime Class
• Time and date Objects
• Calendar in Python
• The Time Module
• Python Calendar Module

=>. Operating System Module
• Introduction
• getcwd
• listdir
• chdir
• mkdir
• rename file/dir
• remove file/dir
• Os help
• Os operations

=>. Advanced concepts
• Python Iterator
• Python Generator
• Python closure
• Python Decorators
• Web Scraping
• Working with CSV files
• Working with XML files
• Working with JSON files
• Debugging

=>. GUI Programming
• Introduction
• Components and events
• Root window
• Fonts and colors
• Buttons,checkbox
• Label widget
• Message widget
• Text widget
• image

=>. Data analytics
• Introduction
• pandas module
• Numpy module
• Matplotlib module
• Working Examples

=>. Excel workbook
• Installing and working with Xlsx writer
• Creating Excel Work book
• Inserting into excel sheet
• Insetting data into multiple excel sheets
• Creating headers
• Installing and working with xlrd module
• Reading a specific cell or row or column
• Reading specific rows and columns

• Introduction to WEB
• HTML Basic Tags
• HTML Formatting Tags
• HTML Lists
• HTML Tables
• HTML Images
• HTML Anchors
• HTML Forms
• HTML Input Elements
• HTML Form Attributes
• HTML Frames
• HTML5 Drag/Drop
• HTML Canvas
• HTML Multimedia

• CSS Basics
• CSS Introduction
• CSS Syntaxes
• CSS Styling,
• Styling Backgrounds
• Styling Fonts,
• Styling Links,
• Styling Lists
• Styling Tables
• CSS Borders
• CSS Selectors
• CSS Fonts
• CSS Text Effects
• CSS Backgrounds
• CSS keyframes Rule
• CSS Multiple Columns
• CSS 2D Transforms
• CSS 3D Transforms
• CSS Transitions
• CSS Animations
• CSS User Interface

• Bootstrap Introduction
• Bootstrap Images
• Bootstrap Tables
• Bootstrap Forms
• Bootstrap Dropdowns
• Bootstrap Buttons
• Bootstrap Button Groups
• Bootstrap Helper Classes
• Bootstrap Panels
• Bootstrap Alerts
• Bootstrap Panels
• Bootstrap Plugins Overview

• SQL Introduction
• Installing a Database
• Creating database
• Creating Tables
• insertions
• deletions
• updations
• Groupings and Aggregations
• Eliminating Duplicates
• Filtering• ordering
• merging tables
• Horizontal Merging
• Vertical Merging
• Types of Joins
• Various Built-in Functions
• working with queries
• Sub-queries

Java Script:

  • What is Script? Types of Scripts?
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Comments and Types of Comments
  • Popup Boxes
  • Variables & Operators
  • JavaScript Functions and Events
  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Control Statements
    What is Django?
    • Why Django? Key Advantages
    • History of Django
    • Features of Django
    • Characteristics of Django
    • Companies Using Django
    • Difference b/w MVC and MVT
    • Models Views and Templates
    What is a Web Framework?
    • What is a server?
    • HTTP Requests and HTTP Responses
    • What is a web framework?
    • What is a web application?
    • Steps in Developing web application.

• Django Architecture
• Django Installation
• Virtual Environment
• Working with Pycharm
• Working with ATOM
• Developing First Django Application

    • Exploring
    • Exploring,
    • Exploring,
    • Exploring,
    • Exploring,
    • Application creations and Examples
    steps in Application creation
    • Working with views
    • Working with HTML and CSS
    • Working with Bootstrap
    • Django Application creation in Atom
    • Django Application creation in Pycharm
    • project with multiple Applications
    • Reusing an Application in different projects
    • working with static files
    Requesting a web page via URL
    • Rendering web page via view function
    • Render HttpResponse to templates
    • Application with multiple views
    • Understanding context object and dictionary type
    • GET and POST methods

• Template tags
• Template Filters
• Template API
• Passing Dynamic content to template file
• Passing multiple dict values to the template
• Loading static files
• Adding image file to template
• Advanced Templates
• Template Library
• custom template filter
• custom templates tags
• Registering the tags

• Activating the Admin interface
• Creating a super user for Admin site
• Using the Admin site
• How to use the Admin site

    working with models and databases
    • Defining Models
    • Model Fields
    • Defining forms
    • ModelForms
    • make migrations and migrate
    • Registering models in
    • Registering models with Admin site
    • Connecting with sqlite3
    • Connecting with MySQL
    • Connecting with Oracle

• Django ORM
• Faker Module
• Class based views
• Form validation
• Rendering forms
• crispy forms
• MultiselectField
• Embeded Video
• Uploading and downloading Files
• Working with Audio and video
• Integrating with legacy databases and applications
• Sessions users Registrations
• Security
• Django Deployment
• Other Contributed Frameworks

About Python Training in New York

Are you ready to enhance your programming skills and boost your career prospects? Look no further than MyLearnNest Training Academy, offering top-rated Python training in New York. Whether you’re a beginner eager to learn coding or an experienced programmer looking to advance your skills, our Python courses in NYC are tailored to meet the needs of every learner. With over 10+ years of experience in providing world-class training, we ensure you receive the best Python education available.

Why Choose MyLearnNest Training Academy for Python Courses?

At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we believe in hands-on learning and practical application. Our Python programming courses are crafted to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of programming. Our expert trainers, who bring over a decade of industry experience, offer personalized attention to each student, ensuring they understand not only Python theory but also real-world problem-solving skills.

Experienced Trainers

Our trainers are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in top MNCs. As alumni of prestigious institutions like NITK, they bring together academic excellence and real-world industry expertise. Their deep understanding of the IT industry ensures you learn from the very best.

Customized Learning Paths

Looking for a Python bootcamp in NYC or a self-paced Python programming course? MyLearnNest offers flexible learning paths tailored to various skill levels, from beginners to advanced learners. Choose from Python coding bootcamps, evening classes, or weekend sessions, ensuring you can pursue education without disrupting your work-life balance.

Interactive Learning Environment

We provide a dynamic and interactive learning environment. Through hands-on projects, live coding sessions, and collaborative learning, our students gain the confidence to write and implement Python code effectively. We cover everything from basic Python syntax to advanced Python frameworks like Django and Flask, ensuring all students are comfortable with the Python programming language and its various libraries.

Certifications and Career Support

Upon completing our Python training in New York, students receive a recognized certification that adds value to their resumes. Our dedicated career services team assists with job placements, interview preparation, and resume building. We connect our students with top companies hiring Python developers, giving them the right opportunities to launch successful careers.

Course Offerings at MyLearnNest Training Academy

Python Bootcamp NYC: Intensive Learning Experience

Our Python Bootcamp NYC is designed for those wanting to immerse themselves in Python programming. This intensive, fast-paced curriculum covers everything from basic Python syntax to advanced concepts such as:

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analysis with Pandas
  • Web Development using Django and Flask

During the Python bootcamp in New York, you’ll work on real-world projects that reflect industry challenges, ensuring you gain valuable hands-on experience.

Python Classes NYC: Flexible and Comprehensive

We offer a variety of Python classes in NYC to suit every learner’s schedule. Whether you prefer evening classes, weekend sessions, or online Python courses, we provide the flexibility you need. Our online Python classes offer the same high-quality training as in-person classes, allowing you to learn Python in NYC at your own pace.

Python Programming Course NYC: From Beginner to Advanced

Our Python programming course NYC caters to all levels:

  • Beginners: Learn the basics of Python, including syntax, variables, functions, loops, and data structures.
  • Intermediate Learners: Explore essential Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data analysis and visualization.
  • Advanced Learners: Dive into Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and web development frameworks like Flask and Django.

Python Developer Course New York: Launch Your Career

Our Python Developer Course in New York prepares you for a successful career in software development. It covers:

  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • API Integration
  • Database Management
  • Application Development

Python Training for Beginners NYC

For beginners, we offer Python training for beginners NYC, introducing you to the Python language and its fundamental concepts. The curriculum ensures you grasp the basics before advancing to complex topics.

Special Features of MyLearnNest Python Training Programs

Python Classes NYC

At MyLearnNest, we believe in accessible education. That’s why we offer Python classes in NYC, perfect for exploring the world of Python before committing to a full course.

Corporate Python Training New York

We also provide corporate Python training in New York for businesses aiming to upskill their employees. Whether you’re in finance, healthcare, or tech, our customized corporate training programs ensure your team gains proficiency in Python to solve real-world business challenges.

The Python Job Market in New York

New York is one of the most competitive job markets for tech professionals in the U.S., with high demand for Python developers in various sectors, including:

  • Finance and Banking
  • Healthcare
  • Tech Startups
  • E-commerce and Retail

Our Python programming courses in NYC equip you with the skills needed to stand out in the competitive job market. According to recent reports, Python remains one of the most sought-after programming languages, with thousands of job openings in New York.

Why Choose MyLearnNest for Python Training in NYC?

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry veterans with over a decade of experience.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: From Python basics to advanced frameworks like Django and Flask.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from in-person classes in New York, online training, or self-paced courses.
  • Certification and Job Placement: Gain certification and get career support with job placements.
  • Hands-on Projects: Work on real-world projects to gain practical experience.

Conclusion: Transform Your Career with Python

Whether you want to join a Python bootcamp NYC, take a Python course in New York, or pursue a Python developer course, MyLearnNest Training Academy offers programs tailored to your needs. With expert instructors, flexible schedules, and hands-on projects, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to succeed in the world of Python programming.

Enroll Today!

Take the first step toward a rewarding tech career by enrolling in one of our Python classes NYC or Python coding bootcamps. Let MyLearnNest Training Academy help you unlock your potential and achieve your career goals.

Python Training Eligibility criteria?

Are you considering enrolling in Python training but wondering if you meet the eligibility requirements? At MyLearnNest Training Academy, our Python courses are designed to accommodate learners from various educational backgrounds and skill levels. Here’s what you need to know about the eligibility criteria:

  1. Educational Background:
    No specific educational qualification is required to join our Python training. Whether you are a student, a working professional, or someone looking to switch careers, you are welcome to enroll. However, having a basic understanding of mathematics and logical reasoning will be beneficial.

  2. Programming Knowledge:
    Our Python courses are beginner-friendly, so no prior programming experience is necessary. However, if you have some familiarity with coding concepts or other programming languages, it will be an added advantage. We also offer advanced courses for those with prior programming knowledge.

  3. Career Aspirants:
    Python is versatile and used in various fields such as web development, data science, machine learning, and automation. If you are an aspiring software developer, data analyst, data scientist, AI engineer, or web developer, Python training is highly beneficial for you.

  4. Working Professionals:
    If you are an IT professional looking to upskill or transition into roles like software developer, data analyst, or data engineer, our Python training will help you enhance your career prospects.

  5. Technical Requirements:
    To participate in our online Python classes, you need a laptop or desktop with a stable internet connection. The system should support Python installations like Anaconda or PyCharm for practical coding sessions.

Opportunities for Python Careers:

Python is one of the most versatile and in-demand programming languages today, offering a wide range of career opportunities across industries. Its simplicity, readability, and powerful libraries make it a preferred choice for beginners and experienced professionals alike. Here are some of the top career opportunities for Python enthusiasts:

  1. Web Developer: Python frameworks like Django and Flask are widely used for developing robust and scalable web applications. As a web developer, you can create dynamic websites and web services.

  2. Data Analyst and Data Scientist: Python’s powerful data analysis libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib make it ideal for data analysis and visualization. Professionals skilled in Python are highly sought after in fields like finance, healthcare, and marketing.

  3. Machine Learning Engineer: With libraries such as TensorFlow and Scikit-learn, Python is a top choice for machine learning and artificial intelligence projects. Machine learning engineers work on predictive models, recommendation systems, and AI applications.

  4. Automation Engineer: Python’s simplicity makes it perfect for scripting and automation tasks. Automation engineers use Python to build scripts that optimize workflows and reduce manual work.

  5. Software Developer: Python is used in building desktop applications, mobile apps, and enterprise-level software solutions.

Modes of Training For Python Course in New York

In Class Training

You can join our Python training at our MyLearnNest Training Academy.

Live Instructor led online Sessions

Attend our Python online training from any corner of the world with MyLearnNest at your own convenience.

Live Instructor led online Sessions

You can learn Python with our self-paced video courses that are well-put and organized. A complete set of videos along with assessments will be included in our video course.

What Makes Us The Python Training Institute in New York

Flexible Timings

Our Python course timings are flexible and user-friendly allowing a convenience for our students.

Complete Hands-On-Training

Practical real-time experience of Python training with hands-on assistance. 

Student diaries

We have trained over 350+ students in Python with 198+ successful placements.

Affordable Fees

My Learn Nest does not charge additional or accessory charges or fees for any of the programs from the Python Training in New York.

Corporate Expert Trainer

We are led by a team of professional and certified Python expert trainers from NIT.

Updated Syllabus

Our Python training syllabus consists of updated concepts and Python to keep our students updated.

Earn a Certificate

Enroll in our Python training in NYC and get a certified course completion certificate.

Lifetime Study Material

You can enjoy lifetime access to our Python study material and LMS.

Testimonials of Python Training in New York

John D
John D

Data Analyst

My experience with Python training in New York was incredible. The instructor's teaching style was clear and practical. I gained hands-on experience with data analysis and visualization, which helped me transition into a data analyst role effortlessly. Highly recommended!

Sarah M
Sarah M

Software Developer

The Python course was well-structured and covered everything from basics to advanced concepts. The real-world projects and case studies made learning engaging. Thanks to this training, I secured a software developer position at a leading tech company.

Kevin L
Kevin L

Machine Learning Engineer

I enrolled in Python training to upskill in machine learning. The modules on TensorFlow and Scikit-learn were outstanding. The trainers were industry experts, and their insights were invaluable. This course truly boosted my career in AI.

Emma S
Emma S

Automation Engineer

I was looking to enhance my automation skills, and this Python course delivered exactly what I needed. The hands-on exercises on scripting and workflow automation were practical and relevant. I can now automate complex tasks efficiently at my workplace.

Michael T
Michael T

Web Developer

Learning Python in New York was a great investment. The Django and Flask frameworks were taught in-depth, and the live projects helped me gain confidence. Today, I am successfully developing dynamic web applications.

 Sophia L
Sophia L

Machine Learning Specialist

I wanted to transition into machine learning, and this Python training was exactly what I needed. The hands-on labs and real-world case studies were immensely helpful. The focus on libraries like NumPy and Pandas gave me the skills required to excel in my new role as a machine learning specialist.

Python Course Certification

MyLearnNest Training Academy offers a comprehensive Python Course Certification designed to equip you with in-demand programming skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, our certification program is tailored to enhance your coding abilities and open doors to exciting career opportunities.

Our Python course covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like data structures, object-oriented programming, web development frameworks, and data analysis libraries such as Pandas and NumPy. With hands-on projects and real-world scenarios, you’ll gain practical experience to confidently tackle complex programming challenges.

By earning the Python Course Certification from MyLearnNest Training Academy, you demonstrate your proficiency in Python, making you a valuable asset in today’s competitive job market. This certification validates your skills and showcases your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

Our expert instructors guide you through each module, ensuring a solid understanding of Python concepts and best practices. You’ll also benefit from personalized support, interactive sessions, and career guidance to help you succeed.

Upon successful completion, you’ll receive an industry-recognized certification that enhances your resume and boosts your career prospects. Whether you aim to become a web developer, data analyst, software engineer, or automation expert, this certification provides a strong foundation to achieve your goals.

Enroll in MyLearnNest Training Academy’s Python Course Certification today and take the first step towards a successful programming career.

Digital Certificate

Python Engineer Placements

Sarah M

    Sarah M

    Software Developer

    Michael T

      Michael T

      Web Developer

      Isabella C

        Isabella C

        Automation Tester

        Sophia L

          Sophia L

          Machine Learning Specialist

          Advantages of learning Python Training Program

          At MyLearnNest Training Academy, our Python Training Program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Python programming, equipping you with the skills required to become a proficient Python developer. Our course is tailored for both beginners and experienced professionals, offering a solid foundation in Python’s syntax, libraries, frameworks, and best practices.

          Throughout the course, you will learn core Python concepts, including data types, control structures, functions, object-oriented programming (OOP), and file handling. We also cover advanced topics such as web development using Django and Flask, data analysis with Pandas, and machine learning with Python libraries like Scikit-learn.

          Our hands-on approach ensures that students work on real-world projects, allowing them to gain practical experience and apply what they’ve learned in a professional setting. Our trainers are industry experts with years of experience, guiding you every step of the way.

          Upon completion, you will receive a certification recognized by leading tech companies, opening doors to lucrative job opportunities in fields such as software development, data science, machine learning, and automation.

          Join MyLearnNest Training Academy today to start your Python programming journey and enhance your career prospects!

          At the completion of the course you will get experiential knowledge in – python bootcamp nyc.

          At the completion of the course, you will gain experiential knowledge in Python Bootcamp in NYC.

          By the end of the Python training at MyLearnNest Training Academy, you will have acquired hands-on experience in Python programming, making you proficient in real-world applications. Our Python Bootcamp in NYC provides you with in-depth knowledge of Python’s core concepts, including data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming (OOP), and web development frameworks like Django and Flask.

          Additionally, you’ll gain exposure to Python’s role in fields like data science, machine learning, and automation. Our project-based learning approach ensures you can work on live projects, making you job-ready for top roles in the tech industry.

          This intensive bootcamp offers personalized learning with expert trainers, preparing you for roles such as Python Developer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, and more. Upon successful completion, you will earn a certification that will help you stand out in the competitive job market.

          Join us in NYC for the Python Bootcamp and kickstart your career with a strong foundation in one of the most in-demand programming languages today!

          Job Opportunities our Python Training

          As for the recent update official indeed, Naukri currently number of jobs are available in Hyderabad, itself here are some of the Python job opportunities

          Python Job Titles

          Software Development & Engineering

          1. Python Developer
          2. Software Engineer (Python)
          3. Full Stack Python Developer
          4. Backend Python Developer
          5. Python Automation Engineer
          6. Python Software Architect
          7. Embedded Python Developer

          Data Science & Analytics

          1. Data Scientist (Python)
          2. Data Analyst (Python)
          3. Machine Learning Engineer (Python)
          4. Deep Learning Engineer
          5. AI Engineer
          6. NLP Engineer

          Web Development

          1. Django Developer
          2. Flask Developer
          3. Python Web Developer

          DevOps & Cloud

          1. DevOps Engineer (Python)
          2. Cloud Engineer (Python)
          3. Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

          Cybersecurity & Networking

          1. Security Engineer (Python)
          2. Ethical Hacker (Python)
          3. Network Automation Engineer

          Automation & Scripting

          1. Python Automation Tester
          2. QA Engineer (Python)
          3. Scripting Engineer

          Finance & Quantitative Roles

          1. Quantitative Analyst (Python)
          2. FinTech Developer (Python)
          3. Algorithmic Trading Developer

          Python Course FAQ's

          What is Python?

          Python is a high-level, versatile programming language used for web development, data science, automation, artificial intelligence, and more. Its simplicity and readability make it popular among developers and learners.

          Why should I learn Python?

          Learning Python opens doors to career opportunities in fields like web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation. Python's wide use across industries ensures its continued relevance.

          Is Python suitable for beginners?

          Yes, Python is ideal for beginners due to its simple syntax and vast community support. It allows you to focus on learning programming logic rather than dealing with complex language constructs.

          What will I learn in the Python course at MyLearnNest?

          In the MyLearnNest Python course, you’ll learn core Python programming concepts, data structures, object-oriented programming, web development using Python frameworks, and real-time project building.

          Can I get a certification after completing the course?

          Yes, MyLearnNest Training Academy provides a certification upon successful completion of the Python course, validating your skills and making you job-ready.

          What are the career opportunities after learning Python?

          After completing the Python course, you can pursue roles like Python Developer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, Web Developer, and Automation Tester. The demand for Python professionals is growing rapidly.

          Why We Choose My Learn Nest For Azure Data Engineer Training in Hyderabad

          MyLearnNest is the best Python online training institute in New York. It is the one of the best training institute in New York Which we offer the Trainings on Student Convenience in the best way. We are providing the quality education at affordable price. Our motive is to make students learn with confidence. We provide the quality teaching to students. Our training courses are available for all levels of students. We also provide the free demo classes to students for their first time. Our training sessions are interactive which makes students learn easily. Our training content is updated regularly. We have designed the courses to help students to become professionals. We provide the best learning platform to our students. Our course topics are based on the industry standards.

          How long is the Python course at MyLearnNest?

          The course duration varies depending on the learning mode (regular or fast-track). Typically, the course lasts for about 2-3 months.

          Can I learn Python online?

          Yes, MyLearnNest offers both online and offline training options, allowing you to learn Python from anywhere.

          Do I need any prior programming experience to learn Python?

          No, you do not need prior programming experience. Python is beginner-friendly, and we cover everything from the basics to advanced topics.

          Will I have practical exposure?

          Yes, the course includes practical assignments, projects, and hands-on exercises to ensure that you gain real-world experience in Python programming.

          What is the cost of the Python course?

          For detailed pricing information, please contact MyLearnNest directly. We also offer discounts and flexible payment options.

          Can I attend a Demo Session Before Enrollment?

          Definitely. We offer a free Python demo class in New York at our MyLearnNest. This will help give you a better idea of the course.

          How can I register for the Python course?

          You can easily register for the Python course by visiting our website or contacting our support team. We’ll guide you through the enrollment process.

          Can I get a refund if I don’t like the course?

          Yes, MyLearnNest offers a refund policy for students who are not satisfied with the course within the initial days. Please check our refund policy for more details.

          What If I have More Queries?

          You can always reach out to our team via the contact details provided on our website. We have a fast responsive team who will revert back at the earliest.

          Do I get lifetime access to course materials?

          Yes, once enrolled, you get lifetime access to course materials, recorded sessions, and resources to review anytime.

          What learning materials and resources are provided in the Azure Data Engineer Training program?

          Our training program includes comprehensive course materials, hands-on exercises, practical assignments, industry case studies, and access to learning resources such as video tutorials, documentation, and online forums. You'll have everything you need to enhance your skills and succeed in Azure Data Engineer.

          Will I get support after completing the course?

          Yes, MyLearnNest provides ongoing support even after course completion. You can reach out to our team for career guidance, interview preparation, or any course-related queries.

          Will I Get Proper Practical Training In Python Course?

          Yes, you will get hands-on real time practical exposure to Python Course during the training program. We use case studies to teach all the core concepts of Python for the students to get a revised understanding of the course

          How Much Salary Can I Expect In The Field of Python Course?

          Salary depends and it may differ on the level of your experience. It starts with 3500 for Month to 4500 Month or more depends on your skill set and experience.

          Who are the Trainers?

          The faculty members at MyLearnNest Training Academy are all seasoned professionals hailing from the IT industry, He is From NIT, with a rich experience spanning over a decade or more. Their proficiency in their respective domains is second to none and has been honed to perfection with the guidance of MyLearnNest Training Academy. We take immense pride in offering our students an unparalleled learning experience under the able guidance of our trained subject matter experts.

          Will I receive a certification upon completing the Python Training program?

          Yes, upon successful completion of our Python Training program, you will receive a certification from MyLearnNest Training Institute to validate your proficiency in Python. The certification serves as a recognized credential that demonstrates your expertise in data integration with Python.

          Can I access course materials and resources after completing the Python Training program?

          Yes, you'll have continued access to course materials and resources even after completing the Python Training program. We believe in lifelong learning and provide ongoing access to learning materials, updates, and resources to support your professional development and career growth.

          What career opportunities can I pursue after completing the Python Training program?

          Upon completing our Python Training program, you'll be well-prepared to pursue various career opportunities in the field of data integration and cloud computing. Some potential career paths include data engineer, cloud data architect, business intelligence developer, data analyst, big data engineer, and data integration consultant, among others.

          What projects will I work on during the course?

          You will work on real-world projects, including web applications, data analysis projects, automation scripts, and integration with third-party APIs using GitHub.

          Will I learn about frameworks like Django or Flask?

          Yes, the course covers popular Python frameworks like Django and Flask, enabling you to build robust web applications.

          Can I access recorded sessions if I miss a class?

          Yes, all live classes are recorded, and you’ll have lifetime access to these recordings for future reference.

          Can I access recorded sessions if I miss a class?

          Yes, all live classes are recorded, and you’ll have lifetime access to these recordings for future reference.

          How does the course help me with GitHub?

          You will learn version control using Git and GitHub, enabling you to manage your projects and collaborate effectively with others.

          How does the course help me with GitHub?

          You will learn version control using Git and GitHub, enabling you to manage your projects and collaborate effectively with others.

          Will there be assessments during the course?

          Yes, we conduct regular assessments, quizzes, and coding challenges to track your progress and reinforce learning.

          Will there be assessments during the course?

          Yes, we conduct regular assessments, quizzes, and coding challenges to track your progress and reinforce learning.

          How do I contact support if I have any questions?

          You can reach out to our support team via email, whatsapp, phone, or live chat. We are available to assist you throughout your learning journey.
