Python Training in Houston
100% Placement Assistance
Python Training in Houston Batch Details
Contact Us | +91 958 123 9696 |
Python Course Duration | 2 Months |
Python Timings | Monday to Friday (Morning to Evening) |
Next Batch Date | 25th March 2023 AT 8:00 AM IST |
Training Modes | Classroom [HYDERABAD] / Online |
Python Server Access | 2 Months / Free |
Key Points Of Python Programming Classes in Houston
- Free Python Course demo class.
- 350+ students trained and 150+ recruited in the last 3 years.
- Certified Python Course Trainers
- Experienced Faculty From NIT, IIT
- Python Beginner + Python Advanced level training
- Affordable Python course fees
- Live Python sessions
- Lifetime eLearning access
- Python Guaranteed placement assistance.
- Python course One-on-one doubt clearing
- Customized Python course curriculum
- Free Installation of Python
- Python Django framework
- Python 25+ Case Studies & Assignments
- The course is thoughtfully structured and crafted by experienced Python industry professionals.
- Python Live project + case studies
- Every Python class will be followed by 100% practical assignments.
- Python Job Support
- Practical Python Course exposure.
- Python 45+ Hours of Online Live Instructor-Led Classes
- MLN Academy provides Python Training a comprehensive project-based learning experience that prepares you for success.
- A dedicated WhatsApp group with the trainer and MyLearnNest Admin ensures seamless communication and support 24/7.
Python Training Houston Curriculum
=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python
=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing
=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators
=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP
=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement
=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement
=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods
=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods
=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple
=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation
=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python
=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing
=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators
=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP
=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement
=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement
=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods
=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods
=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple
=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation
=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary. Functions in Python
• Defining a function
• Calling a function
• Properties of Function
• Examples of Functions
• Categories of Functions
• Argument types
• default arguments
• non-default arguments
• keyword arguments
• non keyword arguments
• Variable Length Arguments
• Variables scope
• Call by value and Call by Reference
• Passing collections to function
• Local and Global variables
• Recursive Function
• Boolean Function
• Passing functions to function
• Anonymous or Lamda function
• Filter() and map() functions
=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python
=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing
=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators
=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP
=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement
=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement
=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods
=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods
=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple
=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation
=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary. Modules in Python
• What is a module?
• Different types of module
• Creating user defined module
• Setting path
• The import statement
• Normal Import
• From … Import
• Module Aliases
• Dir function
• Working with Standard modules -Math, Random, Date time, and os modules
=>: Python Basics
• What is Python
• Why Python?
• History of python
• Applications of Python
• Features of Python
• Advantages of Python
• Versions of Python
• Installation of Python
• Flavors of Python
• Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java, and Python
=>: Python Operations
• Python Modes of Execution
• Interactive mode of Execution
• Batch mode of Execution
• Python Editors and IDEs
• Python Data Types
• Python Constants
• Python Variables
• Comments in python
• Output Print(),function
• Input() Function :Accepting input
• Type Conversion
• Type(),Id() Functions
• Comments in Python
• Escape Sequences in Python
• Strings in Python
• String indices and slicing
=>: Operators in python
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparision Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Short Hand Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators
=>: Python IDE’s
• Pycharm IDE Installation
• Working with Pycharm
• Pycharm components
• Installing Anaconda
• What is Conda?
• Anaconda Prompt
• Anaconda Navigator
• Jupyter Notebook
• Jupyter Features
• Spyder IDE
• Spyder Features
• Conda and PIP
=>. Flow Control statements
• Block/clause
• Indentation in Python
• Conditional Statements
• if stmt
• if…else statement
• if…elif…statement
=>. Looping Statements
• while loop,
• while … else,
• for loop
• Range() in for loop
• Nested for loop
• Break statement
• Continue statement
• Pass statement
=>. Strings in Python
• Creating Strings
• String indexing
• String slicing
• String Concatenation
• String Comparision
• String splitting and joining
• Finding Sub Strings
• String Case Change
• Split strings
• String methods
=>. Collections in Python
• Introduction
• Lists
• Tuples
• Sets
• Dictionaries
• Operations on collections
• Functions for collections
• Methods of collection
• Nested collections
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
=>. Python Lists
• List properties
• List Creation
• List indexing and slicing
• List Operations
• Nested Lists
• List modification
• List insertion and deletion
• List Methods
=>. Python Tuples
• Tuple properties
• Tuple Creation
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Tuple Operations
• Nested Tuples
• Tuple Methods
• Differences b/w List and Tuple
=>. Python Sets
• Set properties
• Set Creation
• Set Operations
• Set Mathematical Operations
• Set Methods
• Insertion and Deletion operation
=>. Python Dictionary
• Dictionary properties
• Dictionary Creation
• Dictionary Operations
• Dictionary Methods
• Insertion and Deletion of elements
• Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary. Packages
• Introduction to packages
• Defining packages
• Importing from packages
• –init–.py file
• Defining sub packages
• Importing from sub packages
=>.Errors and Exception Handling
• Types of errors
• Compile-Time Errors
• Run-Time Errors
• What is Exception?
• Need of Exception handling
• Predefined Exceptions
• Try,Except, finally blocks
• Nested blocks
• Handling Multiple Exceptions
• User defined Exceptions
• Raise statement
=>. File Handling
• Introduction
• Types of Files in Python
• Opening a file
• Closing a file
• Writing data to files
• Tell( ) and seek( ) methods
• Reading a data from files
• Appending data to files
• With open stmt
• Various functions
=>. OOPs concepts
• OOPS Features
• Encapsulation
• Abstraction
• Class
• Object
• Static and non static variables
• Defining methods
• Diff b/w functions & methods
• Constructors
• Parameterized Constructors
• Built –in attributes
• Object Reference count
• Destructor
• Garbage Collection
• Inheritance
• Types of Inheritances
• Polymorphism
• Over riding
• Super() statement
=>. Regular Expressions
• What is regular expression? Special characters
• Forming regular expression
• Compiling regular expressions
• Grouping
• Match() function
• Search() function
• Matching vs searching
• Splitting a string
• Replacing text
• validations
=>. Database Access
• Introduction
• Installing Oracle database
• Creating database users,
• Installing Oracle Python modules
• Establishing connection with oracle
• Closing database connections
• Cursor object
• Executing SQL queries
• Retrieving data from Database.
• Using bind variables executing SQL queries
• Transaction Management
• Handling errors
=>. Python Date and Time
• How to Use Date & DateTime Class
• Time and date Objects
• Calendar in Python
• The Time Module
• Python Calendar Module
=>. Operating System Module
• Introduction
• getcwd
• listdir
• chdir
• mkdir
• rename file/dir
• remove file/dir
• Os help
• Os operations
=>. Advanced concepts
• Python Iterator
• Python Generator
• Python closure
• Python Decorators
• Web Scraping
• Working with CSV files
• Working with XML files
• Working with JSON files
• Debugging
=>. GUI Programming
• Introduction
• Components and events
• Root window
• Fonts and colors
• Buttons,checkbox
• Label widget
• Message widget
• Text widget
• image
=>. Data analytics
• Introduction
• pandas module
• Numpy module
• Matplotlib module
• Working Examples
=>. Excel workbook
• Installing and working with Xlsx writer
• Creating Excel Work book
• Inserting into excel sheet
• Insetting data into multiple excel sheets
• Creating headers
• Installing and working with xlrd module
• Reading a specific cell or row or column
• Reading specific rows and columns
• Introduction to WEB
• HTML Basic Tags
• HTML Formatting Tags
• HTML Lists
• HTML Tables
• HTML Images
• HTML Anchors
• HTML Forms
• HTML Input Elements
• HTML Form Attributes
• HTML Frames
• HTML5 Drag/Drop
• HTML Canvas
• HTML Multimedia
• CSS Basics
• CSS Introduction
• CSS Syntaxes
• CSS Styling,
• Styling Backgrounds
• Styling Fonts,
• Styling Links,
• Styling Lists
• Styling Tables
• CSS Borders
• CSS Selectors
• CSS Fonts
• CSS Text Effects
• CSS Backgrounds
• CSS keyframes Rule
• CSS Multiple Columns
• CSS 2D Transforms
• CSS 3D Transforms
• CSS Transitions
• CSS Animations
• CSS User Interface
• Bootstrap Introduction
• Bootstrap Images
• Bootstrap Tables
• Bootstrap Forms
• Bootstrap Dropdowns
• Bootstrap Buttons
• Bootstrap Button Groups
• Bootstrap Helper Classes
• Bootstrap Panels
• Bootstrap Alerts
• Bootstrap Panels
• Bootstrap Plugins Overview
• SQL Introduction
• Installing a Database
• Creating database
• Creating Tables
• insertions
• deletions
• updations
• Groupings and Aggregations
• Eliminating Duplicates
• Filtering• ordering
• merging tables
• Horizontal Merging
• Vertical Merging
• Types of Joins
• Various Built-in Functions
• working with queries
• Sub-queries
Java Script:
- What is Script? Types of Scripts?
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Comments and Types of Comments
- Popup Boxes
- Variables & Operators
- JavaScript Functions and Events
- Conditional Statements
- Looping Control Statements
What is Django?
• Why Django? Key Advantages
• History of Django
• Features of Django
• Characteristics of Django
• Companies Using Django
• Difference b/w MVC and MVT
• Models Views and Templates
What is a Web Framework?
• What is a server?
• HTTP Requests and HTTP Responses
• What is a web framework?
• What is a web application?
• Steps in Developing web application.
• Django Architecture
• Django Installation
• Virtual Environment
• Working with Pycharm
• Working with ATOM
• Developing First Django Application
• Exploring
• Exploring,
• Exploring,
• Exploring,
• Exploring,
• Application creations and Examples
steps in Application creation
• Working with views
• Working with HTML and CSS
• Working with Bootstrap
• Django Application creation in Atom
• Django Application creation in Pycharm
• project with multiple Applications
• Reusing an Application in different projects
• working with static files
Requesting a web page via URL
• Rendering web page via view function
• Render HttpResponse to templates
• Application with multiple views
• Understanding context object and dictionary type
• GET and POST methods
• Template tags
• Template Filters
• Template API
• Passing Dynamic content to template file
• Passing multiple dict values to the template
• Loading static files
• Adding image file to template
• Advanced Templates
• Template Library
• custom template filter
• custom templates tags
• Registering the tags
• Activating the Admin interface
• Creating a super user for Admin site
• Using the Admin site
• How to use the Admin site
working with models and databases
• Defining Models
• Model Fields
• Defining forms
• ModelForms
• make migrations and migrate
• Registering models in
• Registering models with Admin site
• Connecting with sqlite3
• Connecting with MySQL
• Connecting with Oracle
• Django ORM
• Faker Module
• Class based views
• Form validation
• Rendering forms
• crispy forms
• MultiselectField
• Embeded Video
• Uploading and downloading Files
• Working with Audio and video
• Integrating with legacy databases and applications
• Sessions users Registrations
• Security
• Django Deployment
• Other Contributed Frameworks
About Python Training in Houston
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we offer comprehensive Python training in Houston, designed to equip learners with the skills needed to excel in software development, data science, automation, and artificial intelligence. Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages, widely used across industries such as finance, healthcare, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. Our expert-led training provides a structured, hands-on learning experience, ensuring that students gain practical knowledge and real-world project experience.
Our Python training program in Houston covers Python fundamentals, object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures, web development (Django & Flask), data analysis with Pandas and NumPy, automation, and machine learning. The curriculum is designed to cater to beginners, IT professionals, and career switchers, providing a step-by-step learning approach that builds confidence and coding proficiency.
We offer flexible learning options, including online and in-person training, allowing students to learn at their own pace while receiving personalized mentorship and career support. Upon course completion, learners will earn an industry-recognized Python certification, enhancing their job prospects in top tech companies and startups. Additionally, our program includes resume-building assistance, mock interviews, and job placement support, helping students transition smoothly into the workforce.
With expert instructors, hands-on projects, career guidance, and a globally recognized certification, MyLearnNest Training Academy’s Python course in Houston is the perfect way to build a strong foundation in programming and advance your career. Enroll today and start your journey toward becoming a Python expert!
Python Course Offerings at MyLearnNest Training Academy – Houston
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, our Python training program in Houston is designed to provide a structured, hands-on learning experience that prepares students for real-world applications in software development, data science, automation, and artificial intelligence. Our course offerings cover everything from Python fundamentals to advanced concepts, ensuring that learners of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals, can develop strong coding skills and gain industry-relevant expertise. Through expert-led instruction, practical coding exercises, and real-world projects, students will work on applications in web development, data analysis, scripting, and machine learning, equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in the tech industry.
Our Python course in Houston offers flexible learning options, allowing students to choose between online training and classroom-based learning, depending on their preferences and schedules. The curriculum is meticulously structured, covering key areas such as Python syntax, object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures, database management, automation, and cloud computing. Additionally, students gain hands-on experience with Python frameworks like Django and Flask for web development and work with data science libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn to analyze and visualize data. The training includes real-time coding sessions and industry projects, ensuring that learners can apply their knowledge in practical, real-world scenarios.
At the completion of the course, students will receive an industry-recognized Python certification, which enhances their resumes and increases their job prospects. Additionally, our career support services, including resume-building assistance, mock interviews, and job placement guidance, help students secure opportunities in top tech companies. Whether you are an aspiring Python developer, data analyst, automation engineer, or AI specialist, our Python training in Houston provides a comprehensive learning experience that prepares you for success in the IT industry. Enroll today and take the first step toward mastering Python at MyLearnNest Training Academy!
Special Features of MyLearnNest Python Training Programs
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, our Python training programs are designed to provide a holistic, hands-on, and industry-relevant learning experience, ensuring that students gain practical coding expertise and job-ready skills. Whether you are a beginner, working professional, or career switcher, our training program is structured to help you build a strong foundation in Python programming and advance your career in software development, data science, automation, and artificial intelligence.
One of the key features of our Python training program is expert-led instruction, where learners are guided by highly experienced professionals with over 10 years of industry expertise. Our trainers provide personalized mentorship, interactive coding sessions, and real-world insights, helping students understand both fundamental concepts and advanced Python applications. The course covers a comprehensive curriculum, including Python fundamentals, object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures, web development (Django & Flask), automation, data science, and machine learning, ensuring that learners acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on experience.
Our hands-on learning approach sets us apart, as students work on live coding exercises, real-world projects, and industry-relevant case studies. By engaging in practical assignments and collaborative projects, students develop problem-solving abilities and technical proficiency, making them job-ready for roles in Python development, AI, data analytics, and DevOps. Additionally, we offer flexible learning options, including online Python training and in-person classroom sessions, allowing students to choose a learning format that suits their schedule.
Another standout feature of MyLearnNest Python Training Programs is our career support and job placement assistance. We provide resume-building support, mock interview preparation, and job referrals, ensuring that students have the right resources to secure high-paying jobs in top tech companies. Upon course completion, learners receive an industry-recognized Python certification, which enhances their credibility and boosts their employability.
With a structured curriculum, hands-on training, expert mentorship, flexible learning options, and strong career support, MyLearnNest Training Academy ensures that students receive the best Python training experience. Whether you aim to become a Python Developer, Data Scientist, Automation Engineer, or AI Specialist, our Python training program is the perfect stepping stone to a successful career in tech. Enroll today and start your Python journey with MyLearnNest Training Academy!
Python Training Eligibility criteria?
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, our Python training program is designed to accommodate learners from diverse backgrounds, whether they are beginners, IT professionals, career switchers, or students looking to build a career in programming. Python is known for its easy-to-learn syntax and wide applicability, making it accessible even to those with no prior coding experience. Our training ensures that learners gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, enabling them to apply Python to real-world projects.
Who Can Enroll in the Python Training Program?
Students & Fresh Graduates – Any student pursuing or having completed a degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or related fields can enroll. Even those from non-technical backgrounds can learn Python as it requires no prior programming experience.
Working Professionals – Software developers, IT professionals, system administrators, and testers looking to upskill in Python can join the course to enhance their career prospects in web development, data science, and automation.
Career Switchers & Non-IT Professionals – Individuals looking to transition into software development, data analytics, machine learning, or cybersecurity can leverage Python’s versatility and ease of learning to make a smooth career shift.
Data Analysts & Machine Learning Enthusiasts – Professionals working in finance, healthcare, business intelligence, and data analytics who want to apply Python for data manipulation, automation, and AI-based applications can benefit from the course.
Entrepreneurs & Freelancers – Business owners, startup founders, and freelancers looking to develop applications, automate workflows, or analyze data using Python can gain essential skills through our training.
Prerequisites for Python Training
While Python is beginner-friendly, having the following skills can enhance the learning experience: Basic computer knowledge (Windows, Mac, Linux).
Logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Familiarity with mathematics and analytical skills (especially for data science and AI-based applications).
No prior programming experience required, but familiarity with any coding language can be an added advantage.
Our Python training program at MyLearnNest Training Academy is structured to bridge the gap for beginners while also challenging experienced learners with advanced topics and real-world projects.
What Makes Our Python Training Ideal for All Learners?
One of the reasons Python is widely adopted is its versatility across industries. Whether you are from a technical or non-technical background, learning Python provides career opportunities in web development, data science, cloud computing, automation, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we offer personalized guidance, hands-on projects, flexible learning options (online & in-person), and industry certification, ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, can build a strong foundation in Python programming.
Enroll today in MyLearnNest Training Academy’s Python training program and start your journey toward a rewarding career in tech!
Opportunities for Python Careers:
Python has become one of the most in-demand programming languages, creating vast career opportunities across multiple industries. Its versatility, ease of learning, and powerful libraries make it an essential skill for software development, data science, artificial intelligence, automation, and cloud computing. At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we prepare students for real-world applications of Python, equipping them with hands-on experience to thrive in high-paying, in-demand job roles.
Top Career Paths in Python
Python Developer
Python is extensively used in web development, software applications, and backend programming. As a Python Developer, you will work on developing scalable applications, integrating APIs, and building web solutions using frameworks like Django and Flask.
Job Titles:
- Python Developer
- Backend Engineer
- Full-Stack Developer
Industries Hiring:
- IT and Software Development
- E-commerce & Retail
- Media & Entertainment
Data Analyst & Data Scientist
Python plays a crucial role in data analysis, visualization, and predictive modeling. Companies rely on Python-based tools like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib to process large datasets and derive insights. If you have analytical skills and an interest in statistics, Python can help you become a Data Scientist or Data Analyst.
Job Titles:
- Data Analyst
- Data Scientist
- Business Intelligence Analyst
Industries Hiring:
- Finance & Banking
- Healthcare & Pharma
- Retail & E-commerce
Machine Learning & AI Engineer
Python is the go-to language for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. With libraries like TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, and Keras, professionals can build AI models, automate decision-making processes, and work on cutting-edge innovations.
Job Titles:
- Machine Learning Engineer
- AI Researcher
- NLP Engineer
Industries Hiring:
- Tech & SaaS Companies
- Automotive & Robotics
- Cybersecurity & Fraud Detection
Automation & DevOps Engineer
Python is widely used for automation and scripting in DevOps, IT administration, and cloud computing. Professionals use Python to automate workflows, manage servers, and integrate CI/CD pipelines in platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Job Titles:
- DevOps Engineer
- Cloud Engineer
- Automation Specialist
Industries Hiring:
- Cloud Computing
- IT Services & Managed Solutions
- Networking & Security
Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking
Python is a valuable tool for ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity automation. Security analysts use Python for vulnerability analysis, malware detection, and network monitoring to protect systems from cyber threats.
Job Titles:
- Cybersecurity Analyst
- Ethical Hacker
- Security Engineer
Industries Hiring:
- Government & Defense
- Banking & Finance
- IT Security Firms
Python in FinTech & Blockchain
Python is also gaining popularity in the financial technology (FinTech) and blockchain sectors. Professionals use Python for algorithmic trading, cryptocurrency analysis, and risk management in financial applications.
Job Titles:
- Quantitative Analyst
- Blockchain Developer
- Financial Software Engineer
Industries Hiring:
- Stock Market & Investment Firms
- Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Startups
- Banking & Financial Services
Why Choose Python for Your Career?
High Demand – Python is used across multiple industries, creating numerous job opportunities.
Competitive Salaries – Python professionals earn between $90,000 to $150,000 annually, depending on experience and specialization.
Job Flexibility – Many Python roles offer remote work, freelancing, and contract-based opportunities.
Easy to Learn – Python’s simple syntax and large community support make it beginner-friendly.
Future-Proof Career – Python is widely adopted in AI, data science, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, ensuring long-term career growth.
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we offer a job-oriented Python training program with real-world projects, industry certification, and placement support to help you land a job in top tech companies. Whether you’re a beginner, IT professional, or career switcher, learning Python can unlock exciting career opportunities.
Modes of Training For Python Course in Houston
In Class Training
You can join our Python training at our MyLearnNest Training Academy.
Live Instructor led online Sessions
Attend our Python online training from any corner of the world with MyLearnNest at your own convenience.
Live Instructor led online Sessions
You can learn Python with our self-paced video courses that are well-put and organized. A complete set of videos along with assessments will be included in our video course.
What Makes Us The Python Training Institute in Houston
Flexible Timings
Our Python course timings are flexible and user-friendly allowing a convenience for our students.
Complete Hands-On-Training
Practical real-time experience of Python training with hands-on assistance.
Student diaries
We have trained over 350+ students in Python with 198+ successful placements.
Affordable Fees
My Learn Nest does not charge additional or accessory charges or fees for any of the programs from the Python Training in Houston.
Corporate Expert Trainer
We are led by a team of professional and certified Python expert trainers from NIT.
Updated Syllabus
Our Python training syllabus consists of updated concepts and Python to keep our students updated.
Earn a Certificate
Enroll in our Python training in Houston and get a certified course completion certificate.
Lifetime Study Material
You can enjoy lifetime access to our Python study material and LMS.
Testimonials of Python Training in Houston
The Python training at MyLearnNest Training Academy in Houston was an incredible experience. The structured curriculum, hands-on projects, and expert guidance helped me transition from a beginner to a confident Python developer. The real-world projects gave me practical exposure, and the placement assistance helped me land my first job as a Software Engineer. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to master Python and enter the tech industry!

Software Developer
I had been struggling to switch from a finance background to data analytics, and MyLearnNest Training Academy’s Python course in Houston made it possible. The instructors were patient and knowledgeable, breaking down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand lessons. The hands-on exercises and real-time data analysis projects boosted my confidence, and now I’m working as a Data Analyst in a top firm. This course is a must for anyone looking to learn Python!

Machine Learning Engineer
I wanted to get into AI and machine learning, but I lacked a strong programming foundation. The Python training in Houston at MyLearnNest Training Academy provided the perfect blend of theory and practical knowledge. From Python basics to advanced machine learning algorithms, the course covered everything. The projects on predictive analytics and deep learning helped me secure a role as a Machine Learning Engineer. This training is worth every penny!

Automation Engineer
I had some experience with HTML and JavaScript but wanted to learn backend development. The MyLearnNest Python training program in Houston introduced me to Django and Flask, and I was able to build my first full-stack web application by the end of the course. The instructors provided excellent support, and the hands-on coding assignments made learning Python enjoyable. I’m now working as a Web Developer, and I credit MyLearnNest for helping me make the transition!

Web Developer
I was looking to enhance my career with automation skills, and MyLearnNest Training Academy’s Python course in Houston was the perfect choice. The training covered automation scripting, web scraping, and DevOps integrations using Python. The best part was the hands-on assignments that allowed me to apply what I learned immediately. After completing the course, I was able to automate key processes at my workplace, leading to a promotion as an Automation Engineer!

Machine Learning Specialist
I had no prior coding experience, but the structured approach of the MyLearnNest Python training made it easy to grasp complex topics. The hands-on projects and assignments boosted my confidence, and now I’m working as a Data Analyst! The placement assistance was also top-notch, guiding me through resume building and interview preparation. I highly recommend this Python training in Chicago for anyone looking to start or advance their career in tech.
Python Course Certification
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we offer a globally recognized Python Course Certification that validates your expertise in Python programming and its real-world applications. Our certification is designed to help learners showcase their skills in software development, data science, automation, and web development, making them job-ready for various roles in the tech industry. Whether you are a beginner, an IT professional, or a career switcher, our Python certification in Chicago will enhance your resume and boost your career opportunities.
Upon completing the Python training program, students receive a Python Course Completion Certificate, which demonstrates their proficiency in Python fundamentals, object-oriented programming, data structures, data analysis, web development (Django/Flask), automation, and machine learning. The certification also reflects the hands-on experience gained through real-world projects, coding exercises, and industry-relevant case studies.
One of the key benefits of our Python certification program is its industry recognition, making it valuable for professionals seeking job placements, promotions, or freelance opportunities. Additionally, we provide placement support, mock interviews, resume-building assistance, and career guidance to help certified learners secure roles in Python development, data analytics, AI, and DevOps.
At MyLearnNest Training Academy, we believe that certification should not just be a credential but a testament to practical knowledge and technical expertise. Enroll in our Python training in Chicago today, earn your certification, and unlock new career opportunities in the ever-growing world of Python programming!

Python Engineer Placements

Software Developer

Web Developer

Automation Tester

Machine Learning Specialist
Advantages of learning Python Training Program
Python has become one of the most widely used programming languages due to its simplicity, versatility, and powerful libraries. Learning Python opens doors to numerous career opportunities in software development, data science, automation, artificial intelligence, and web development. At MyLearnNest Training Academy, our Python training program is structured to provide comprehensive learning with hands-on experience, ensuring that students gain the skills required to excel in the tech industry.
Easy to Learn and Use
Python’s clean and readable syntax makes it an excellent choice for beginners. Unlike other programming languages, Python allows you to write fewer lines of code while achieving the same functionality, making it easier to learn and apply in real-world scenarios.
High Demand and Career Opportunities
Python is one of the most sought-after skills in the job market, with companies across industries actively seeking Python developers. Professionals skilled in Python can pursue careers in:
- Software Development
- Data Science & Machine Learning
- Web Development
- Cloud Computing & DevOps
- Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking
Versatile Applications in Various Fields
Python is widely used in multiple industries, including: Web Development – Building dynamic websites using Django and Flask.
Data Science & Analytics – Using NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data visualization.
Machine Learning & AI – Developing AI-powered applications with TensorFlow and Scikit-learn.
Automation & Scripting – Automating repetitive tasks using Python scripts.
Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing – Writing security scripts to detect vulnerabilities.
Hands-on Learning with Real-World Projects
Our Python training program at MyLearnNest Training Academy focuses on a practical learning approach. Students work on real-world projects and industry-based case studies to gain hands-on experience in solving real challenges. These projects include: Developing Web Applications with Django & Flask
Building Data Analysis Reports using Python libraries
Creating AI-based models for predictions
Automating tasks using Python scripts
Flexible Learning Options
We offer both online and classroom Python training, allowing students to choose the learning format that suits them best. Our instructor-led live sessions, recorded lessons, and hands-on coding exercises provide a seamless learning experience for all students.
Industry-Recognized Certification
Upon course completion, students receive a globally recognized Python Certification from MyLearnNest Training Academy, which boosts their resume and enhances their job prospects in top tech companies.
Job Placement Support & Career Assistance
Our Python training program is designed to help learners secure high-paying jobs. We provide: Resume-building support
Mock interviews with industry experts
Job placement assistance
Career guidance for Python-related roles
Competitive Salaries & Job Security
Python developers earn some of the highest salaries in the tech industry. With roles in data science, AI, and software development, salaries range from $90,000 to $150,000 annually, depending on experience and expertise.
- Comprehensive Curriculum: Gain in-depth knowledge of Python, from basic syntax to advanced programming concepts.
- Expert Instructors: Learn from industry professionals with extensive experience in Python development.
- Hands-on Projects: Work on real-world projects to enhance your coding skills and build a strong portfolio.
- Flexible Learning Modes: Choose from online and offline classes to learn at your own pace.
- Career Support: Get personalized career guidance, resume building, and interview preparation.
- Certification Recognition: Receive an industry-recognized certification that boosts your career prospects.
- Job Placement Assistance: Benefit from our dedicated placement support to secure top job opportunities.
- Community and Networking: Join a community of like-minded learners and industry experts.
- Affordable Fees and Discounts: Avail competitive pricing and seasonal discounts on the course fee.
- Location Advantage: Conveniently located in Hyderabad, accessible to local and international students.
At the completion of the course you will get experiential knowledge in – python bootcamp Houston.
At the completion of the Python Bootcamp in Chicago at MyLearnNest Training Academy, you will gain experiential knowledge in Python programming, equipping you with both theoretical understanding and practical expertise required for real-world applications. Throughout the bootcamp, you will work on hands-on projects, coding exercises, and industry-relevant case studies, allowing you to develop problem-solving skills and confidence in writing Python scripts, building applications, automating tasks, and analyzing data.
By the end of the Python Bootcamp in Chicago, you will have mastered Python fundamentals, object-oriented programming, data structures, web development (Django & Flask), data science (Pandas & NumPy), automation, and machine learning. You will also gain practical experience in API integration, database management, and real-time application development, making you job-ready for careers in Python development, data analytics, AI, and DevOps. Additionally, the certification from MyLearnNest Training Academy will validate your expertise, boosting your credibility in the job market. With expert mentorship, career guidance, and placement support, this Python Bootcamp provides everything you need to confidently start a successful tech career. Enroll today and take your Python skills to the next level!
- Comprehensive Python Curriculum: Learn Python programming from scratch to advanced concepts in an organized, structured manner.
- Hands-On Projects: Work on real-world projects that enhance your coding skills and prepare you for industry challenges.
- Expert Trainers: Get trained by experienced industry professionals with practical knowledge.
- Job-Ready Skills: Master Python concepts like data structures, OOP, and frameworks, making you ready for Python development roles.
- Learning Python for Various Domains: Gain expertise in Python's applications in data science, machine learning, and web development.
- Exposure to Python Libraries: Learn to use powerful libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and more.
- Industry-Relevant Tools: Get hands-on experience with tools and frameworks commonly used in the tech industry, like Django and Flask.
- Project-Based Learning: Develop portfolio-worthy projects to showcase to potential employers.
- Flexible Learning Options: Choose from offline and online classes that fit your schedule and lifestyle.
- Python Bootcamp in NYC: Learn in a vibrant tech hub, providing you access to a wide range of opportunities and networking.
- Personalized Learning Support: Get one-on-one mentoring and guidance to ensure deep understanding.
- GitHub Integration: Learn how to use GitHub for version control, collaborate on open-source projects, and share your work with the developer community.
- Career Opportunities: Open doors to job roles like Python Developer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, and more.
- Interactive Learning Environment: Engage in collaborative sessions and discussions with peers and trainers.
- Certification: Receive a recognized certification at the end of the course to validate your expertise.
- Focus on Practical Knowledge: Gain practical knowledge that can be directly applied to real-world problems and job scenarios.
Job Opportunities Our Python Training
As for the recent update official indeed, Naukri currently number of jobs are available in Hyderabad, itself here are some of the Python job opportunities
Python Job Titles
Software Development & Engineering
- Python Developer
- Software Engineer (Python)
- Full Stack Python Developer
- Backend Python Developer
- Python Automation Engineer
- Python Software Architect
- Embedded Python Developer
Data Science & Analytics
- Data Scientist (Python)
- Data Analyst (Python)
- Machine Learning Engineer (Python)
- Deep Learning Engineer
- AI Engineer
- NLP Engineer
Web Development
- Django Developer
- Flask Developer
- Python Web Developer
DevOps & Cloud
- DevOps Engineer (Python)
- Cloud Engineer (Python)
- Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
Cybersecurity & Networking
- Security Engineer (Python)
- Ethical Hacker (Python)
- Network Automation Engineer
Automation & Scripting
- Python Automation Tester
- QA Engineer (Python)
- Scripting Engineer
Finance & Quantitative Roles
- Quantitative Analyst (Python)
- FinTech Developer (Python)
- Algorithmic Trading Developer
Python Course FAQ's
What is Python?
Why should I learn Python?
Who Can Learn Python
Is Python suitable for beginners?
What will I learn in the Python course at MyLearnNest?
Can a Beginner Learn Python?
Can I get a certification after completing the course?
What are the career opportunities after learning Python?
Why We Choose My Learn Nest For Python Training in Hyderabad
How long is the Python course at MyLearnNest?
Can I learn Python online?
Do I need any prior programming experience to learn Python?
Will I have practical exposure?
What is the cost of the Python course?
Can I attend a Demo Session Before Enrollment?
How can I register for the Python course?
Can I get a refund if I don’t like the course?
What If I have More Queries?
Do I get lifetime access to course materials?
What learning materials and resources are provided in the Python Training program?
Will I get support after completing the course?
Will I Get Proper Practical Training In Python Course?
How Much Salary Can I Expect In The Field of Python Course?
Who are the Trainers?
Will I receive a certification upon completing the Python Training program?
Can I access course materials and resources after completing the Python Training program?
What career opportunities can I pursue after completing the Python Training program?
What projects will I work on during the course?
Will I learn about frameworks like Django or Flask?
Can I access recorded sessions if I miss a class?
Can I access recorded sessions if I miss a class?
How does the course help me with GitHub?
How does the course help me with GitHub?
Will there be assessments during the course?
Will there be assessments during the course?
What is the Python Course Duration?
📌 Regular Training: 6 – 8 weeks
📌 Fast-Track Training: 4 – 5 weeks
📌 Weekend Batches: 8 – 10 weeks (for working professionals)
📌 Self-Paced Learning: Flexible duration with recorded sessions
Robert JData Analyst